Monday, 21 January 2013
Yamateh departs from Orange eSports and joins Team Zenith

In a shocking turn of events, Orange eSports has officially announced that Yamateh (2nd from left), arguably one of its star player has recently departed to join Singapore's Team Zenith. You see, rumours were actually saying that (instead of Yamateh) Mushi was the one who had plans to move to Zenith. This came across when news of Yee Fung 'Mushi' Chai and Wei Poong 'Yamateh' Ng wasn't getting along in Orange eSports.
DOTA 2 being a team game and what not, any disagreement between team members would definitely hurt their overall performance. While Orange eSports had their own conflicts internally, Team Zenith, on the other hand, were critically having difficulties in setting up a stable roster after being down to a 3-man team - Yamateh's move will now add it to 4.
Official statement from Orange eSports:
We like to announce the official departure of Yamateh from Orange Esports DotA team. He will be joining the Zenith team as you may see in their GosuCup Asia IV lineup. We thank him for his dedications and contributions to the team in 2012 and wish him much success. Orange Esports DotA team is still working on our 2013 roster aim to be among the Top 3 DotA2 teams in Asia. Thank you to our fans for their continuous support!
We personally feel that it's a real disappointment on how both these 'big' teams are constantly having changes in their rosters and struggling to stabilise internally. Though, we would still definitely wish Yamateh all the best at Zenith, and his huge contribution to Orange before.