Friday, 25 November 2011
Mozilla Moz Camp Asia in Malaysia

The Mozillian 'headers', with CEO and Chairperson of Mozilla Foundation Mitchell Baker addressing the Q&A session.
About a decade ago, Internet Explorer (IE) was the dominant player in the browser world and there was basically almost no competition at all. And well, the IE was unfortunately dying and wasn't getting any better - there were little security features and surfing the web was not as enjoyable as today; and here is when Mozilla comes in (duhh.. :P) with Firefox and a whole lot of advancements for greater user experience - essential stuff like pop-up blocker and tabs were introduced. At the same time, as it was an open source platform, it was popular with developers and the introduction of add-ons (though I've got to admit it's not as popular now) has led to a range of interesting features for Firefox users.

The Malaysian Mozilla Community yo! (ME at the right, in green shirt) :D
Anyway, Mozillia's very own Moz Camp, something like a social conference/camp where 'Mozillians' meet up (to socialise and get updated on Mozilla of course), was held in Malaysia for the first time! How cool is that? Usually, it was only Moz Camp Europe but I guess after they realised the potential Asia markets have, the Moz Camp Asia was introduced.

Say hello to Hidzuan, also from the Malaysian Mozilla Community!

Well, what's better than celebrating Satoko Takita, Head of Mozilla Japan's birthday on the first day of the conference! During dinner of course.

Lotss of freebies especially stickers on the day, but I like the Firefox Aurora Laptop Skin best. Super awesome!

Who am I with?? It's Mozilla Firefox!
PS. "I was overwhelmed by the presence of the ginormous fox that I had to blink my eye "
LOL. #superlamejoke #bored

Quote of the day (:
And that's all for the First Moz Camp Asia! Made lots of new friends there though I'm not very sociable, took the offer to be the photographer for the Malaysian Mozilla Community and learnt a whole lot of interesting stuff. Before I end this post, I'll tell you a secret (not really a secret anymore), Mozilla is working on 3D page views, especially for developers.