Tuesday, 17 January 2012
I Came, I Saw, I Voted (Bloggers and Social Media Award)
Anyway, I started blogging about 5 months back, jotting down any thing interesting relating to tech, gadgets, events, but particularly on video games and basically some of what I see and what I hear. I didn't really expect much at first considering it was just a part-time thing when I'm bored, but wow I must say that I'm really, really surprised, and of course, thank you for all of those who read my blog. I really didn't expect that. :D

So where was I again? Oh yes, so I blog about video games, tech stuff, gadgets, events, bla bla bla..and yes, I'm going to hide my face, and hopefully, ask for 5 minutes of your time to vote for me.
I recently got nominated for a Bloggers and Social Media Award under 'Upcoming Blogger of the Year' and 'Best Gadget Blog' so I'm really, really hoping that you would spare some time to vote for me. Boleh? (:
It's pretty simple, just visit here and you will see www.theshadowgamer.com right in front (oh yeah!), click on vote, and ta-dah :D But...just hold on a minute there, before you go, drop me a comment on my facebook page here or tweet me through twitter here so I can know you better.
My many, many thanks!
*shyss* LOL