Monday, 23 April 2012
New Call of Duty (Black Ops 2) To Be Revealed May 1st [UPDATED]

Like it or not, the Call of Duty franchise is here to stay and Activision has made a point to ensure so. The company has recently updated their official Call of Duty website, confirming that it will be unveiling yet another new title on May 1 to the already rather saturated franchise.
Though not exactly confirmed, all evidence, including rumours, are pointing towards a Black Ops sequel. On it's official website, it is encoded with a meta description "...Black Ops is a trademark of Activision Publishing, Inc...", but said nothing about Modern Warfare or possibly a new title, so it is highly expected that the new Call of Duty title will be Black Ops 2.
But question is, are you as hype about it as before?
Check out the first trailer and read my thoughts about it here. (: