Sunday, 15 July 2012
[Dragon Nest SEA] Guild Rewarded With SGD10,000 For Slaying The Sea Dragon First

Photo credits: Official Dragon Nest SEA's facebook page.
How many online game publishers would actually reward you with cold, hard cash when you successfully defeat a single monster? Not many, I reckon. But then again, it’s not just any monster, when it comes to The Sea Dragon, Serpentra, of Dragon Nest SEA, which is by far the toughest monster yet on the game, rewards like a S$10,000 cold hard cash, is very much worth it. Or at least, that is what the publishers think so.
Dragon Nest SEA is a free-to-play MMORPG which actually follows the original DN based in Korea, where most of the most hardcore and avid gamers of the game are from too. Nevertheless, Dragon Nest is evidently gaining momentum and popularity in Singapore.
In Dragon Nest SEA, Chronicles, a guild consisting of 2 Paladins, 2 Priests, and 1 Mercenary, Force User, Alchemist and Elemental Lord each, has successfully slayed Serpentra as mentioned above but what’s more impressive and what’s worth the cash reward was that they defeated that beast in less than a month, whereas the Korean gamers had to use about up to 3 months!
The members of the guild responsible for the first downfall of the Serpentra have received their prize of S$10,000 from Mr Addison Kang, Vice President and Producer of Shanda Games International on July 14, 2012.