Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Dota 2 updated with new game mode "Diretide", everything you need to know.

In conjunction with Halloween, Dota 2 has for the first time released a major update not in terms of heroes but with a completely new game mode.
"Not only you will be able to play a brand new game mode inside Dota 2 but you’ll also find that the regular Dota 2 map suddenly got spookier!"Halloween is all about scares, shocks and surprises. Boo! Alright, cut the crap. The latest update will see a slightly touched up map towards the theme of the season. In other words, you'll see red water (supposedly blood?) in rivers, 'surprise' skeletons popping out of coffin boxes, and some other additional bright lights and the like.
Now you must be wondering what is Diretide all about. To cut the long story short, it's basically an event to get us fancy items, guaranteed. What you will need to do before getting the reward (sometimes a bonus egg lol!) can be divided into three stages.
First up, both teams compete to collect the most candies, yes, candies for trick or treat? Next stage, candy collecting continues but Roshan is now awaken and walah he's free from hell and will hunt down single targets individually. To escape? What cheesier way than to treat him with candies. Awww. Last stage, cute Roshan is no more but is instead now a more advanced version of an enraged beast. Also, both teams can't withstand but join forces to take it down and when its finally crumpled into hell once again, you get your rewards.
Also, if you're lucky, you may chance upon a Greevil Egg or Essence. The egg basically hatches at the end of the event (I suppose?) into a courier while the Essence are like 'steroids' for the egg. The more Essence you put into the egg, the greater chance for you to get a more unique, rare-ier courier.
You're probably already downloading the update right now so meanwhile, take a look at Diretide's cinematic introduction.
Or if you've played diretide, what are your thoughts?
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