Tuesday, 13 November 2012
[Event] Malaysian Black Ops 2 Midnight Launch

When it comes to the Call of Duty series, the size of its fan base is difficult to not notice. The franchise is definitely a force to be a reckon with and with its newly-released Black Ops 2, 'highly-anticipated' could hardly describe the hype during the follow-up to its launch.
To celebrate the release of Black Ops 2, one of the more prominent video game retailers in Malaysia Gamer's Hideout organised an exclusive (if I'm not mistaken Malaysia's only) midnight launch event. Taking place at its One Utama branch, the event officially started at 11.00pm 12th November but naturally, avid fans of the game would start queuing up way before.
One young gamer, Sean Choong Qixie of 17 years (same age heh) apparently started queuing up 21 hours before, do the maths and that's from the 11th of November 3pm! Respect! Being the first in line, Choong was then also rewarded with a 32' LCD by the directors of Gamer's Hideout themselves.

Story and image credit: Gamer's Hideout FB